Friedrich Ratzel
Friedrich Ratzel (b. 30 August 1844 in Karlsruhe, Grand Duchy of Baden, German Confederation; d. 9 August 1904 in Ammerland at the Starnberger See, Kingdom of Bavaria, German Empire) was a German ethnographer, geographer and a principal influence in the modern development of both disciplines. He originated the word Lebensraum, but even politically correct sources state his meaning of the word was not the later alleged National Socialist meaning.
After his education for pharmacist, he studied Geology and Zoology in Heidelberg, Jena, and Berlin. In 1868, he graduated at the University of Heidelberg in the specilisation of Zoology. During the outbreak of Franco-German War in 1870, he joined the Prussian Army and was wounded twice during the war. After a number of study journeys to among other the USA he became "Privatdozent" in München in Geography. In 1876 he became extraordinary professor in Geography. In 1886 he became professor in Geography at the Leipzig University. He connected the development of a people with the to them available space and the same for the art and civilization. He used the term Lebensraum for the idea that space is a necessary element for the organic development of a people.
Ratzel continued his work at Leipzig until his sudden death on 9 August 1904 in Ammerland, Lake Starnberg,
Works (selected)
- The history of mankind (PDF-Files: Vol. 1, Vol. 2, Vol. 3) Note: Vol. 2 only downloadable by using an US-Proxy
German language
- Die Vereinigten Staaten von Nord-Amerika (PDF-Dateien: Band 1, Band 2)
- Anthropo-Geographie, oder Grundzüge der Anwendung der Erdkunde auf die Geschichte (PDF-Dateien: Band 1, Band 2)
- Völkerkunde (PDF-Dateien: Band 1, Band 2, Band 3)
- Deutschland. Einführung in die Heimatkunde (PDF-Datei)
- Die Erde und das Leben (PDF-Dateien: Band 1, Band 2)
- Vorgeschichte des europäischen Menschen (PDF-Datei)
- Politische Geographie oder die Geographie der Staaten, des Verkehres und des Krieges (PDF-Datei)
- Die chinesische Auswanderung: Ein Beitrag zur Cultur- und Handelsgeographie (PDF-Datei)
- Über Naturschilderung (PDF-Datei)
- Das Meer als Quelle der Völkergrösse: Eine politisch-geographische Studie (PDF-Datei)
- Der Staat und sein Boden geographisch betrachtet (PDF-Datei)
- Die Erde, in vierundzwanzig gemeinverständlichen Vorträgen (PDF-Datei)
- Ellen Churchill Semple: "Influences of Geographic Environment, on the Basis of Ratzel's System" (1911) (PDF-File)
German language
- „Zu Friedrich Ratzels Gedächtnis. Geplant als Festschrift zum 60. Geburtstage“ (PDF-File german)
External links
- The History of Mankind - Online version, published in English in 1896.
- Ratzel, Friedrich, Deutsche Biographie
- Prof. Dr. phil. Friedrich Ratzel, Professorenkatalog der Universität Leipzig