Israeli human organ harvesting

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Israeli human organ harvesting was revealed by Swedish freelance journalist Donald Bostrom when he began to investigate United Nations employees concerns that Zionist jewish soldiers snatch Palestinian children in the middle of the night, murder them, and sell their organs.[1] Bostrom ran the story in Aftonbladet, Sweden's leading tabloid newspaper.[2] The translated headline of the article read "They plunder the organs of our sons".[3]

Bilal Ahmed Ghanem

In his investigation Bostrom was able to document the case of Bilal Ahmed Ghanem, a 19-year-old Palestinian man who was murdered by Israeli soldiers in 1992 in the West Bank village of Imatin. Bostrom was an eyewitness to the Israeli raid into the village.[4]

When the Isreali soldiers enter the village, they targeted Ghanem at the gate of his family’s home and called his name “Bilal, Bilal.” He turned around and was shot dead.[5] Instead of allowing his body to be recovered by his family, the Israelis immediately abducted his corpse using an [[ambulance] and a military helicopter which were staged and ready to transport the young man’s body to the hospital.[6] A week later his body was returned to his family with with an incision from his neck to his stomach suggesting his organs had been taken.[7]

His brother Jalal Ghanem said, "It was very clear that there was no abdomen, it showed from the way it was stitched. There were no teeth in his mouth."[8]

Other Palestinian men were being abducted by the Israelis that year which also coincided with a shortage of organs for transplant in Israel. In his article Bostrom wrote, "At the same time that this organ campaign was going on, young Palestinian men were disappearing and being delivered back to their villages five days later at night, dead and cut open."[9]

Israeli outrage

Israel has expressed outrage over the exposure from the article. Dozens of public officials and commentators in the jewish state have declared the article to be anti-Semitic and a modern form of ‘blood libel’ reminding the public of charges of ritual murder from the Middle Ages.[10]

Binyamin Netanyahu, Israel’s prime minister declared, "We are not expecting an apology from the Swedish government... We are expecting condemnation." The Government of Sweden has refused to apologize or condemn the article saying the country has press freedom.[11]

Israel admits to organ thefts

Harvested organs were alleged to have been used by the military and in public hospitals. Israel has admitted that it harvested organs from the dead bodies of Palestinians and Israelis in the 1990s, without permission from their families. The admission follows the release of an interview with Jehuda Hiss, the former head of Israel's forensic institute, in which he said that workers at the institute had harvested skin, corneas, heart valves and bones from Israelis, Palestinians and foreign workers.[1]

Israel’s first heart transplant

Israel has a history of doing organ transplants outside ethical norms. In December 1968 an Israeli man Avraham Sadegat died from a stroke. When his body was released to his family they noticed his upper body was covered with bandages inconsistent with someone who died from a stroke. They discovered his chest was stuffed with bandages and his heart was removed.

It was during this time international news broke concerning Israel’s first heart transplant. The family confronted the hospital with their accusations. The hospital initially denied they preformed the transplant without the family’s consent but later acknowledge they did when the family agreed not to sue. The hospital claimed Israeli law permits organs to be removed without the family’s consent.[12]

Related topic

In July 2009 the FBI conducted raids involving money laundering and bribery arresting forty-four persons including five rabbis.[13] The human organ trafficking ring was uncovered in part of the investigation. One of the rabbis arrested said he had been in the human organ business for ten years. "His business was to entice vulnerable people to give up a kidney for $10,000 which he would turn around and sell for $160,000."[14]


See also

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