Media Bias/Fact Check

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Media Bias/Fact Check is a leftist website with reviews of other websites. For unclear reasons its reviews often rank highly in Google search rankings.

The website states that was founded in 2015 by Dave Van Zandt who is also the primary editor. It is apparently a for-profit project with income from "site advertising, individual donors, and the pockets of our bias checkers".

The reviews are often copies of the opinions stated by the leftist Wikipedia and the SPLC.

Alt-right websites are typically given the worst ranking, "Questionable Sources". They are often claimed to be "hate groups". Even non-race realist but immigration critical websites such as the Center for Immigration Studies, are listed as "hate groups", presumably due to copying the opinions of the SPLC.

The websites ranked as being the best ("least biased") include websites such as "China Daily" which is owned by the Chinese Communist party.

The page on Metapedia copies Wikipedia's opinion word-for-word but instead cites an old SPLC article from 2007 as the supposed source. This despite the SPLC article not making many of the claims made by Wikipedia.

External links