National Police Gazette

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The National Police Gazette started in 1845 was according to their website: a "legendary American publication that originally ran for over 130 years and invented most of what we take for granted in today's pop-culture journalism. Playboy, Bare Knuckle Fighting, Sports Illustrated, Variety, the National Enquirer, Guinness World Records, Life, Esquire, Maxim, crime sheets like The Slammer, plus The Daily Show, Colbert Report, Howard Stern" all took their que from this amazing news / magazine. It is most famous for its 50 years of articles on Adolf Hitler's return, escape and progeny. . Adolf Hitler was featured 77 times in the National Police Gazette from 1951 – 1968. He made the cover 37 times. According to the Gazette, Hitler was definitely in Argentina. That is until 1968 when they said Hitler was in Bogota, Colombia.
