National Vanguard (publication)

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National Vanguard (NV) was the publication of the National Alliance headed by Dr. William L. Pierce. National Vanguard was issued first in April 1978 as a tabloid and then as a magazine (issue 86) in May 1982. A Who We Are series of articles on the History of the White Race appeared in the tabloid version of the publication.

On the back page of every magazine issue was the National Alliance Statement of Belief.

ATTACK! was National Vanguard's predecessor publication.

National Vanguard ceased publication in 2009, with issue #142 the final installment published. Issue #143 was in the works, but was never released. Previously unpublished articles intended for #143 before the magazine folded but became available online at former San Francisco Unit Director Jim Ring's National Alliance reform site in spring of 2013.

National Vanguard articles

  • General Patton's Warning [1] Number 53 of National Vanguard tabloid (ca. 1977)
  • The Great Trek [2] No. 59, 1978
  • The Shame of Reconstruction, part 1 [3] part 2 [4] National Vanguard tabloid, No. 71 and 71, 1979, by Ted O'Keefe
  • Two Lessons [5] No.92, January 1983
  • Destroying the Past - Black History Month [6] No. 93, March 1983
  • A Lesson in Democracy [7] No. 95, June 1983
  • That's Life (editorial) [8] No. 96, August 1983
  • Rudyard Kipling: White Man’s Poet [9] No. 99, March 1984
  • Men of Valor (editorial) March 1984 [10] No. 99, March 1984
  • The Evidence of the Prussian Blue [11] No. 110, March-April 1989
  • Affirmative Action: An Idea Whose Time Has Passed [12] No. 110, March-April 1989
  • Academy Award (A film review: Robin Hood, Prince of Thieves} [13] No. 112, January-February 1992
  • A music review: Dresden's, "Call of the Blood" [14] (ca. 1995)
  • Gun Control No. 113, March-April 1994
  • A Tribal Affair [15] No. 112, January-February 1992
  • A Dangerous Wayfaring (editorial) [16] No. 113, March-April 1994
  • Holohoax Hoax [17] (ca. 1995)
  • Alien Nation [18] National Vanguard magazine, No. 115, November-December 1995
  • Miscegenation: The Morality of Death [19] Number 117 (March-April 1997)
  • Letters from readers of National Vanguard part 1 [20] (1990s)
  • Letters from readers of National Vanguard part 2 [21] (1990s)
  • Letters from readers of National Vanguard part 3 [22] (1990s)
  • Is Gun Control a Nazi Scheme? [23] (ca. 1995)
  • News Items from the Memory Hole part 1 [24] (1990s)
  • News Items from the Memory Hole part 2 [25] (ca. 1994)
  • The New World Order, "Free" Trade, and the Deindustrialization of America [26] (1990s)


See also

External links