Patriot Candle Co.

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The symbol and logo of Patriot Candle Co.

Patriot Candle Co. is a White Fascist and Christian candle company that was found in October of 2021 by an Ex-Trump supporter who calls himself "Patriot" that makes and sells candles in order to raise awareness for pro white communities.


The company is known to promote National Socialism and Patriotism through the use of messages and designs on merchandise and candles, it cares about white people and are willing to sell to them in order to make business for a good pro white cause. They are against homosexuality and have endorsement for Adolf Hitler and Jesus.


Back when the lockdowns started in 2020, every employer was pushing their employees by forcing them to wear a mask due to the pandemic. Patriot did not agree with it and so he decided to start his business after earning the amount of money he had saved up he can use to go ahead and start his own company. Patriot had a decent paying government job so he was able to start "Patriot Candle Co". He was able to make a living doing something that he truly loves, which is spreading the message in a not so conventional way.
