Uploads by Bluteisen

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File list
Date Name Thumbnail Size Description Versions
07:44, 18 December 2023 Strauss.png (file) 1.13 MB   1
01:33, 25 November 2023 Bobby Fischer 1962.png (file) 987 KB   1
02:37, 7 October 2023 Abd al-Ilah in Basrah.png (file) 719 KB   1
03:31, 14 September 2023 Zyklon-B.png (file) 253 KB Zyklon-B granules 1
03:29, 14 September 2023 MexicoUSborder.png (file) 174 KB   1
03:29, 14 September 2023 Fumigation500.png (file) 167 KB   1
03:28, 14 September 2023 EllisIslAutoclave.png (file) 132 KB   1
03:27, 14 September 2023 EllisIslCrematory2.png (file) 152 KB   1
03:27, 14 September 2023 EllisIslCrematory.png (file) 99 KB   1
03:24, 14 September 2023 EllisIslPatientinStripes.png (file) 102 KB The image above is from Ellis Island but from the time when the island complex was actually used to process immigrants to America, and quarantine those who might be carrying any number of contagious diseases, and/or treat them as well. Note the striped uniforms that the two “patients/prisoners” are wearing and also the substantial barrier to confine these people. If someone had mislabeled this image as an “image of victims at Auschwitz waiting to be gassed,”who would dare to even doubt that i... 1
03:14, 14 September 2023 Zyk dees.png (file) 165 KB   1
03:12, 14 September 2023 Gaschmbr dees.png (file) 172 KB   1
03:11, 14 September 2023 Microwave-delousing-facility-auschwitz.png (file) 114 KB Microwave delousing facilities at Auschwitz 1
03:09, 14 September 2023 Auschwitz-disinfection-chamber.png (file) 230 KB Two inmates take out the clothes from a disinfestation chamber at Auschwitz. 1
03:08, 14 September 2023 Auschwitz-autoclaves.png (file) 212 KB Auschwitz autoclaves 1
03:06, 14 September 2023 Disinfection-chambers-dachau.png (file) 383 KB   1
03:04, 14 September 2023 DisinfectedClothes.png (file) 142 KB American soldiers with deloused clothing airing outside the disinfestations chambers, 1945. The disinfestations chambers and Zyklon-B continued to be used after the Allied liberation of the camp, something that the Holocaust storytellers always neglect to tell. 1
03:02, 14 September 2023 Dachau-camp-Zyklon-B-dispenser.png (file) 1,011 KB Note the rail with hooks on the ceiling for hanging clothes. 1
03:00, 14 September 2023 Degesh-fumigation-device.png (file) 102 KB A Degesh hot air fumigation device. At the top the can opener controlled from the outside. The Zyklon pellets slide through the pipe into a wiremesh basket at the bottom, through which warm air is conducted by the heater/fan unit (below the can opener). 1
17:36, 13 September 2023 Charles-Larson.png (file) 124 KB   1
17:36, 13 September 2023 COcoloringIntTextbookMaritMed 10-15 Fig 02.png (file) 47 KB Fig. 10.9.2: Bright red lividity on the dorsal side of the body as the expression of lethal carbon monoxide poisoning. 1
17:34, 13 September 2023 Dachau-Delousing-Chambers.png (file) 311 KB Dachau’s four fumigation chambers 1