Ted Budden

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Edward Budden (died 2000) was a veteran of the British fascist movement in the United Kingdom who was well-known in such circles for his satirical columns that appeared in a number of publications down the years.

Rivalled only by John Graeme Wood in terms of his longevity within the British fascist movement, Budden began his career as a low level member of the British Union of Fascists. Budden did not come to prominence, however, until the 1960s when, after a period of involvement in a number of local groups, he became a leading member of the Racial Preservation Society[1], whilst also taking a senior role in the John Bean's British National Party (not to be confused with the current party of the same name). Bean credits Budden, who was closely linked to the publishers Alan and Anthony Hancock, with playing a leading role in negotiating a merger between the two groups and the League of Empire Loyalists that led to the foundation of the National Front. [2]

Budden initially played a leading role in the NF and in the general election of February 1974 he was chosen to fight his home consitutuency of Hove. However the election was to prove singularly unsuccessful for Budden as his 442 votes (0.8% share) was the NF's lowest vote of the election. He fared no better in 1983 when an outing in Brighton Kemptown saw him win only 290 votes (0.7%), although by that time the NF vote had dropped off consistently.

Much more than his electioneering, Budden became known for his column, which was a regular feature of a number of NF publications, including Spearhead. During the 1980s Budden, as head of the NF's Brighton branch, was closely associated with the Flag Group (his column appearing regularly in The Flag) and was involved in one of the main incidents that exposed the lack of unity in the NF. Following the resignation of Stuart Holland, Budden was chosen by the Flag Group to represent the party in the resulting by-election. Amongst his opponents, however, was an Official National Front candidate Patrick Harrington and as a result neither candidate polled at all well (although Budden finished behind Harrington, capturing only 83 votes). The whole event indicated just how much the NF had descended into in-fighting.

As the Flag Group ran its course, Budden went on to join the current British National Party and, under John Tyndall, the Ted Budden Column became a feature of the party's monthly newspaper British Fascist. Although previously dismissed by Nick Griffin as 'an elderly bigot' Budden continued to write for the BNP until his death.[3]

See also

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  1. Ray Hill & Andrew Bell, The Other Face of Terror, London: Grafton, 1988, p. 29
  2. J. Bean, Many Shades of Black, London: New Millennium, 1999, p. 155
  3. J. Tyndall, 'We've Been Here Before!', from Spearhead