The Path of Cinnabar

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The Path of Cinnabar
The Path of Cinnabar: An Intellectual Autobiography
Author(s) Julius Evola
Language English
Genre(s) Philosophy
Publisher Arktos, earlier edition by Integral Traditions Publishing
Publication year 2009
Pages 304
ISBN 1907166025

The Path of Cinnabar: The Intellectual Autobiography of Julius Evola is a book by Italian traditionalist and writer Julius Evola. Originally published in Italian under the title Il Cammino del Cinabro (1963) by Vanni Scheiwiller, it was translated into English and published in 2009 by Integral Tradition Publishing. After Arktos' acquisition of Intergral Tradition Publishing, the book was subsequently issued in a 2nd edition by Arktos with a new cover. The Path of Cinnabar is the author's "intellectual autobiography," in which he dispassionately discusses his intellectual and spiritual development over the course of many years.

The book deals with Evola's involvement in idealist philosophy, dadaism and magic, as well as his more controversial contacts with the Italian Fascists. The main focus is on his involvement with the Traditionalist school of thought, and how he integrated and developed the ideas of René Guénon and others.

Publisher's description

"Julius Evola was a renowned Dadaist artist, Idealist philosopher, critic of politics and Fascism, 'mystic', anti-modernist, and scholar of world religions. Evola was all of these things, but he saw each of them as no more than stops along the path to life's true goal: the realisation of oneself as a truly absolute and free individual living one's life in accordance with the eternal doctrines of the Primordial Tradition.

Much more than an autobiography, The Path of Cinnabar in describing the course of Evola's life illuminates how the traditionally-oriented individual might avoid the many pitfalls awaiting him in the modern world. More a record of Evola's thought process than a recitation of biographical facts, one will here find the distilled essence of a lifetime spent in pursuit of wisdom, in what is surely one of his most important works."[1]



A Note from the Editor

A Note from the Publisher

The Path of Cinnabar

Personal Background and Early Experiences

Abstract Art and Dadaism

The Speculative Period of Magical Idealism and the Theory of the Absolute Individual

My Encounters with the East and ‘Pagan’ Myth

The ‘Ur Group’

My Exploration of Origins and Tradition

My Experience with La Torre and Its Implications

Hermeticism and My Critique of Contemporary Spiritualism

‘Revolt Against the Modern World’ and the Mystery of the Grail

My Work in Germany and the ‘Doctrine of Awakening’

The Issue of Race

In Search of Men Among the Ruins

Bachofen, Spengler, the ‘Metaphysics of Sex’ and the ‘Left-Hand Path’

From the ‘Worker’ to ‘Ride the Tiger’

Appendix: Interviews with Julius Evola (1964-1972)


Books by the same author

Publication data

  • The Path of Cinnabar: An Intellectual Autobiography, Julius Evola, 2009, Arktos, ISBN-10:1907166025, ISBN-13: 978-1-907166-02-0

External links
