User:Vanillamaster/Sandbox/National Socialism Rework

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The Swastika is regarded as the symbol of National Socialism, and is often used in National Socialist Insignia.

National Socialism (abbreviated NS or NatSoc) (German: Nationalsozialismus) is a 20th Century Third Positionist Sociopolitical, Philosophical, and Economic Ideology originating in Germany and became the political orientation of the Third Reich under Adolf Hitler and various other European states from 1933 to 1945. The Goal of National Socialism is the establishment of an Racially Homogeneous Millitant society known as the Volkish State based on a shared struggle for the survival and evolution of the race through the production of high culture and the practice of eugenics. National Socialists equates Nationality with Race and reject Enlightenment principles such as the separation of man from nature and Negative Liberty. National Socialist societies also involve the absence of Usury, Fractional-Reserve Banking, social classes, and activities that weaken or attempt to deconstruct of the Race and by extension the Nation.

Variants of National Socialism have been developed throughout its Post-War History, Including but not limited to Strasserism, Ecofascism, Yockeyism and Esoteric Hitlerism. Although in theory National Socialism can be adopted by non-White societies, due to the cultural background of its development and its uniquely European outlook, the majority of National Socialists are also White Nationalists. National Socialists today disagree on how exactly they will achieve the Volkish State, some feel that It is possible to gain political influence through electoral politics, while others believe that the political infrastructure of the west has failed, and thus that the only viable option is to accelerate its collapse or prepare for the death of the West so a new society can be built from scratch. Many in both groups however, agree that the best immediate course of action is the development of a culture and institutions independent from the modern West.

Although National Socialism is synonymous with the Germany, many institutions contemporary to the Third Reich elsewhere in Europe also adopted National Socialism, with several political organizations emerging in countries throughout europe that were aligned with the Third Reich. It was also during this period that the first international military organization, the Waffen SS, spread National Socialism across Europe and Asia. After the Defeat of the Third Reich in WWII, National Socialism had been deemed immoral in the public memory of most of the Western World due to Allied atrocity propaganda, and over 70 years of cultural deconstruction.


Ancient World

Eugenic Militarist Societies based around ethnic homogeneity date as far back as the neolithic period. Usually originating In regions with a particularly harsh ecology and where pastoralism is practiced. Pastoralist ethnic groups often establish an Aristocracy by conquering agriculturalist civilizations and subjugating them while keeping them segregate. Historically, pastorialists had an advantage in conquering Agriculturalists due to a greater protean diet, and originating in an ecology with scarce resources and inter-tribal conflict that is more conducive to the evolution of higher time-preference and Intelligence.

The first archeologically and genetically recorded pastorialist culture were the Indo-Europeans, also known as Aryans.


Enlightenment and 1848 Revolution

Johan Gottfried Herder, an enlightenment thinker who rejected the rationalism of his contemporaries in favor of organic cultural development

Romantic Period and the Volkish Movment

[[File:Gobenau Wagner and Chamberlain.png|thumb|200px|Arthur de Gobeneau, Richard Wagner, and Houston Stewet Chamberlain were the three most influential Volkish thinkers for National Socialism prior to the formation of the German Workers Party

Weimer Republic

Third Reich

Postwar Era

In Europe

In North America

In South America

National Socialism Today

Core Principles


Blood and Soil

Race in National Socialism


