Boris Brasol

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Boris Leo Brasol (March 31, 1885 - March 19, 1963), was a criminologist, literary critic and a White Russian émigré to America. He was one of the first to help translate the Protocols of the Elders of Zion in America from Russian into the English language. (The actual translation was done by Natalie De Bogory a daughter of a Russian revolutionary.)[1] Brasol along with Leslie Fry was also instrumental in arranging a series of commentaries on The Protocols to be publish in Henry Ford’s paper The Dearborn Independent. He was considered the head of the Tsarist Movement in the United States wanting to restore the Romanov Dynasty in Russia.


Boris Brasol was born in Poltava, Ukraine, Russia, in 1885. After graduation from the law department of St Petersburg University, Brasol served in the Russian Ministry of Justice and helped to prosecute Ukrainian jew Menahem Mendel Beilis for ritual murder.[2] In 1912 he was sent to Lausanne to study forensic science.

During World War I Brasol held the rank of Lieutenant in the Tsar's army and served on the Polish front. In 1916 he was recalled from the front and sent to the US to work as a lawyer for an Anglo-Russian purchasing committee. After the October Revolution in Russia Brasol stayed in the US as an emigrant. Brasol pursued a successful career as a literary critic and criminologist and published several books in each of these fields.

Boris Brasol worked for the US Department of Justice under Attorney General Harry M. Daugherty and promoted the Protocols among members of the United States Secret Service which at the time was involved in counterintelligence activities.[3]

He wrote for Social Justice magazine under the name "Ben Marcin".[4] Other writes also used this pseudonym for pointedly anti-jewish articles which appeared the magazine.

He contributed articles to Scribner's Commentator an isolationist journal and headed United Russian National Organizations in America.

He is buried in Woodlawn Cemetery in the Bronx, New York.

Some of Brasol papers are preserved in the Library of Congress Manuscript Collection.[5]

His father was the notable homeopath Lev Brasol.



  1. When I was a boy in Russia, by Vladimir De Bogory Mokrievitch, page 171
  2. Under Cover, p. 203, by John Roy Carlson, (1943)
  3. Under Cover, p. 204, by John Roy Carlson, (1943)
  4. Father Charles E. Coughlin: Surrogate Spokesman for the Disaffected, By Ronald H. Carpenter, page 118
  5. Manuscript reading room. Using the Collections

See also

External links

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