Opinion - ...and now, the Experts
There are a lot of people out there who have proclaimed Themselves to be "experts" on fascism. Yet there are no universities that offer a course on the subject. I know, I've written a curriculum and offered to teach it. There are institutions that offer courses in "African-American studies", "Marxist Theory", and "jewish History", but nobody is interested in a serious course on Fascism, yet here are all of the self-proclaimed experts, none with life experience, and certainly none who have ever taken a class. Yet here we are.
Fascism experts always know where fascism comes from. It always comes from something the speaker hates. The jew says it comes from anti-semitism. The CivNats say it comes from socialism (They never say what kind of socialism they are talking about. If they hate America and Christianity they say it will come in an American flag and holding a cross. This goes on and on.
So let me help. Fascism starts with a vision of the way a nation should be, as opposed to how it is now. Most nations can look to their past for clues, but if a nation has a short history, or perhaps the nation has never had any blow-your-mind achievements, an imagined future should do the trick (if your nation has never done anything GREAT, you may want to ask yourselves WHY. I can think of a few countries in this category, and no. Not just Israel).
The modern conservative attempt to redefine fascism as left-wing (and it is most definitely a redefinition) focuses on our rejection of capitalism, along with the fact that the National Socialists had the word “socialist” in their name, but that's their whole case, no matter what grifter Dinesh d'Souza says, and it should be noted that Hitler, like Mussolini, ultimately removed the more communist-friendly versions being advocated by the likes of Strasser.
The modern world, with all of its woke ethics, judeo-Marxism, pluralism, bureaucracy, compromise, and stupidity has taken America away from it's fascist roots, so we fascists must embrace modern methods, such as mass communications, computers, science, and industrial power, and use these things as tools for good, not evil, and return as much as possible to the greatness we had when we explored the continent, the planet, and even the moon.
All fascism harkens back to ancient Rome. Torchlight rallies, marches, parades, architecture, statues, films, flags, uniforms, all of the fun stuff, it all goes back to ancient Rome. These aren’t just the "trappings of fascism", or a way to impress people into joining a fascist movement. These are who we are, reinforced every time someone participates in a gathering, dresses well, or sings a fascist hymn. This how we tell the world we exist.
Not surprisingly, we are artists. Some fascist movements, such as National Socialism, had very strong opinions about what they didn’t like, namely degenerate art. Other movements focused a bit more on what they did like, such as Mussolini's fascination with Futurism. Francisco Franco was an artist, as was Charlemagne, and Codreanu, and Augusto Pinichet, everyone at Casa Pound, and on and on and on. Poets, artists, philosophers all. Its almost a fascist prerequisite.
And not a few artists flirted, or even embraced it; in addition to some of the Futurists so have the full-on embrace of fascism by d’Annunzio, and the varying degrees of dabbling or accommodation by Pound, Eliot, Yeats, Santayana, Dali etc. The very first fascist to describe a fascist society, Plato, was himself an artist, poet, and philosopher.
In the context of 20th century Europe, Mclelland argued fascism was a way to reject “conventional” liberalism (often a.k.a. republicanism) of both the right and democratic left, while also rejecting, or at least greatly modifying, the anti-modernist reactionary right (a.k.a. continental monarchist conservatism). Revolutionary dynamism and rejection of “bourgeois” society thus gratifying every fascists inner surly teenager.
Max Weber, in Politics As A Vocation, emphasized the utilitarian nature of politics: it’s about getting things done. Weber emphasized the difficulties that the vocation of politics imposes, such as the “slow boring of hard boards” that political action often requires, or refusing to get one’s hands dirty when the situation required. He had very acidic things to say about people who denied the responsibilities imposed by a political life, preferring instead to indulge themselves selfishly, but fascists aren't like that, you can spot a fascist pretty easy. Is he living like a normie? Maybe upper middle-class, but still middle class. Does he look like he's ready for work? Does he eat grilled cheese sandwiches, or caviar? Because thats what fascists do, even when in charge, and no tip of a golden spade for a groundbreaking ceremony, a fascist gets right in there and starts digging, or harvesting, or whatever the work is. Fascism is not good at creating snobs. Fascists are doers, not talkers.Fascists are 100% concerned about outcomes, the Roman spectacle comes after success has been achieved. No Caesar held a Triumph before the war started.
There are a large number of consequences that follow from introducing normal (corrupt) politics into this national vision. The first is that failure, even catastrophe, doesn’t have the same effect as you would expect, or hope. Supporters of ordinary American politicians aren’t going to be much dismayed by the failure of their leaders’ decisions. they have become used to this. they actually think its normal. they will provide excuses for why these failures aren’t really failures; if they cannot invent them on their own, their leaders will provide a healthy menu of them from which to select. As long as they are in the same political party, and reinforced by others, bungling is less of a problem.
Second, normal American politics is inherently exclusionary. You are either a member of the party, or you aren’t. Nobody ever agrees with anyone on the other side, unless something has to do with ISRAEL, then all sides agree 100%. Policy debates are pointless exercises, the foolishness chattering that normies believe, will sap your strength and will.
You either belong in the picture, or you don’t. Facts, logic, and common sense are intolerable to them and they are impervious to it. The need to define and be fueled by outrage. they depend on negative solidarity, the constant reminder of what defines them as being better than EVERYONE ELSE. So they virtue signal, and constantly put down everything they don't like, even lumping everything they don't like together into one "major" enemy. Normies have to be angry at someone,white people, National Socialists, Democrats, Republicans, holocaust truthers, mask deniers, fascists, preppers, gun owners, gun grabblers, etc., all of the time, to maintain this negative solidarity. The more distorted or even fictional the enemy is, the better for these purposes. Dealing with real people is far harder than raging against cartoonish movie "Nazi's" and inbred low-IQ white bigots on TV.
As a result, there’s no debating these indoctrinated retarded lackeys. One can hope that a particular person’s marginal embrace of fascism might hold, and you can feed that. However, as long as they keep speaking the language of judeo-Marxism, they are lost, meaninful dialog is impossible, and any superficial embrace of fascism is probably coincidental. Monologue is the only normie mode of communication, as expressed in its grandest form in mass-media propaganda.
The judeo-Marxists run this country. they are not just Democrats and Republicans, they run all the major corporations, they run the airwaves, the dictionaries, the schools, the universities, they are cops, the judges, the newscasters, and if you are stupid enough to eat at a restaurant with your fascist t-shirt, they are the ones doing nasty things to your food. Because thats how they roll.This never ends well. If these indoctrinated people are immune to argument and unwilling to look at the bad consequences of their actions, then they will not merely slink away in shame. The calamity of WWAC ended most of the wonderful fascist societies, killed millions of people, and screwed up our cultures probably permanently. If they force us to fight another great war, I truly hope the good guys win this time.
The "experts" don't know jack squat about fascism.