User:Vengful goy

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I'm just a regular man trying to make his way in life like anyone else, trying to do right by Christ and those around me. I used to be a regular patriotic American Far right pro capitalist I had no idea who (((they))) were. I was very much into history when I was younger especially WW2 and was very passionate about it...which soon after the fake covid plan came into play I had a lot of time to watch and observe, the black masses rearing their true nature and ultimately finding out who the real oppressors were. During this time I was also rediscovering my faith in Jesus Christ, eventually I realized the jewish problem and aim to uncover the truths they try to hide. Others are more verbal and physical in their fight against ZOG. But for me I try to get the word out in my own way all the while preparing for the day the real fighting starts. Because the jew only fears two things, The Lord Jesus Christ and A fit White Male who has broken his chains!


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Yes, welcome! This site is dedicated to documenting the fascism, the most misunderstood and maligned ideology in the world.
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If you have any questions, please ask me on my talk page. Once again, welcome, and I hope you quickly feel comfortable here, and find this site to be a useful documentation of fascist facts.