Catholic and Identitarian: From Protest to Reconquest

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Catholic & Identitarian
Author(s) Julien Langella, Jason Rogers (Foreword)
Language English
Genre(s) Politics, Religion
Publisher Arktos
Publication year 2020
Pages 336
ISBN 1912975718

Catholic & Identitarian: From Protest to Reconquest is a book by Julien Langella, published in English by Arktos in 2020. The English version was translated by Jason Rogers and represents the first of Mr. Langella's work that has been translated into English. The original French version was published as Catholiques et Identitaires by Dominique Martin Morin in 2017.

Publisher description

"Is Christianity the natural enemy of identitarianism? Has it contributed to the liberalization of our societies and to the mass immigration which is so quickly altering our social make-up and changing the face of our nations? What can Christianity, past or present, offer us at this unprecedented historical moment of political and social change?

Catholic and Identitarian seeks to answer these questions from a traditionalist Catholic perspective. Arguing that Christianity, and Catholicism in particular, far from being an enemy to identitarianism, actually forms the necessary underpinning for true European identitarianism, this book demonstrates that the teachings and traditions of the Church have always respected ethnic and national borders and protected the integrity of authentic human roots. At once a vindication of the Church against the misinterpretations and misrepresentations of left and right alike, and a stirring call to defend our European heritage from the forces that would destroy it, Catholic and Identitarian reminds us of the basic truth that “to fight is to love."[1]


Translator’s Foreword, by Jason Rogers

Preface by M. Abbot Guillaume of Tanoüarn

Introduction: The State of Things and Challenges to Take Up

  • The Face of Europe Is Changing
  • The Identitarian Awakening of Catholics in France
  • Identitarian
  • Catholicism Is Not a Party
  • Charity and Rootedness
  • The Purpose of This Book

Chapter 1: Catholic and Identitarian, Universal and Rooted

Chapter 2: The Religion of Miscegenation, the Other Gender Theory

Chapter 3: The Migration Hurricane and the Church

  • Forty Years of Non-European Immigration
  • Surviving Together
  • What Does the Church Really Say?
  • The Elusive Pope Francis

Chapter 4: What to Do?

Chapter 5: Fall and Reconquest

  • The Hebrews and Us
  • Judas Maccabaeus, Israel’s Hammer
  • Identitarian Lessons and the Maccabean Epic
  • The Christian Lesson of the Fall of the Last jewish Kingdom
  • Good Fears and Bad Fears

Conclusion: To Fight Is to Love


Books by the same author

  • Refaire un Peuple, Editions La Nouvelle Librairie, 2021
  • La jeunesse au pouvoir, Editions du Rubicon, 2015

Publication data

  • Catholic & Identitarian: From Protest to Reconquest, Julien Langella, 2020, Arktos, ISBN-10: 1912975718 ISBN-13: 978-1-912975-71-6

External Links
