Opinion - Alphas, Betas, and Gammas

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Alphas, Betas, and Gammas

Hollywood blockbusters, bestselling novels, and hit TV shows all rub it in our faces: the leading man must be confident, tall, muscular, a badass, have a great sense of humor, and outspoken in every way.

Who wants to be the forgotten nice guy when you can be the next Tony Stark or Thor? These are the alpha males, and like every hierarchy, the lead male serves a very specific purpose. Those in his trust serve a purpose as well...and today I want to talk about them, and sing their praises for a change. Because the often slandered Beta-Male, accounts for 29 out of 30 men. You, the reader, are very likely a Beta-Male, and do not know this, because the internet, especially social media, is just filled to the brim with bullshit.

There is established science and logic to this. There are three types of men, Alpha, Beta, and Gamma males. Each of those have been identified with various sub-types (such as Sigmas and Omegas) which I will not go into here. These three main types cover 97% of all men.

About these quotes: There are quotes sprinkled throughout this article, from various sources, displaying best what the internet does. A lot of people just repeat what they see on the internet. So when you read these quotes, understand that they come from ignorance. These quotes are all about gamma males, who are pretty worthless, not Betas as the speakers think.

This article is aimed at anyone who mistakenly thinks Betas are a bunch of faggots.


Some Background

As said, only one man in 25 or 30 is an actual Alpha Male. Alphas are great natural leaders, and they RESPECT those in their charge. They are quiet and have no need to show off or demean others. He knows he's the servant of his people. They can make decisions on the spot, and they are generally good decisions.

Beta Males are hardworking careful men who avoid risk and are very secure in themselves. Beta males lack the physical presence and risky behavior of the Alpha male.

Gamma males are generally more intelligent than the other two, but they are not nerds. The problems is that intelligence is all they've got going for them. They need tbat intelligence to be super manipulative and to run their scams. They don't use their intelligence to be productive. Alphas and Betas use their intelligence to be scientists, strategists, and other similar purposes. The Gamma uses it to trick people or come up with his next get-rich-quick scheme. He gets jealous, acts entitled, and doesn’t want to own his mistakes. He doesn’t understand that women might have standards. He calls them names if they don’t agree to date him. The same with any employer. The same with his neighbors.

Gamma males are the ones that much of the online world disparages as a Beta. When you read the quotes sprinkled throughout this article, understand that they are actually describing Gammas, not Beta. These comments are made from "men" who are most likely gamma males themselves, and who are imagining themselves as Alphas, as Gamma Males commonly do. The level of disrespect for 29 out of 30 men, while flaunting themselves as that 30th man, is overwhelmingly demonstrative. A real leader would never talk this way, and if he did, no man would follow him.

ALPHA males

The alpha male is the dominant member of his group, that's all. He leads the charge. He attracts more than his share of manipulative social climbing women (Gamma Females), and most of the Alpha females (The woman behind every powerful man), and a small share of the Betas (Family women)

What he is:

  • The football team coach.
  • The drill sergeant.
  • The orchestra conductor.
  • The fire chief.
  • The job foreman.
  • The officer leading the charge.
  • The boxing trainer
  • That dragon that owns the company.
  • The Tribal Chief
  • The boat captain


  • That quiet guy in the corner.
  • The attention hog
  • Football Team Captain
  • The brave soldier
  • the boxer
  • an off-brand James Bond
  • an off-brand Captain Kirk
  • Orchestra soloist
  • a primadonna
  • the tribe's fiercest hunter/warrior
  • a vice president or manager

He is NEVER:

  • acting tough
  • Beating his wife
  • kicking his dog
  • hitting on women randomly
  • telling anyone he's an alpha male
(real Alphas don't have to)
  • inventing his past
  • worried about being doxxed or what people think of him.
  • a bully
  • a coward
  • a simp, a cuck, or yes-man
  • that guy roid-raging at the gym.
  • manipulative in a secret back-stabbing way.

Alphas are sometimes manipulative in an out-in-the-open way, like a chess master manipulates his opponent.

There is much to be admired about the Alpha-male. But in humans, we get 1 Alpha male for every 25-30 regular guys, thats why human tribes in the wild are limited to a certain size. Ever notice?

The Betas are his wingmen, collaborative and conciliatory. In human terms, betas make the best mates. They do more around the house, and in the bedroom, because they know how to hasten the greater good. When something needs to be repaired, the Beta doesn't issue a command, the Beta just fixes it.

I read social media and go to websites and I am appalled at how people shift the meanings of words and ideas to suit themselves, then doubly appalled at how groups of stupid people run with a stupid idea until it becomes generally accepted as fact.

It's rather sick.

BETA males

Lets move on to the BETA males. They aren't a bunch of cucks. Jeeze people, 97%  of all men are Beta Males. If Batman is the Alpha, Robin is the Beta, and so is Alfred. James Bond needs Q. Kirk needs Spock. Jim West needs Artie. (Did I age myself with that one?) Alpha males NEED the Betas! Without Betas, Alphas are only 10% as effective. Betas do all of the DOING that gets done. The bulk of our farmers, carpenters, construction workers, soldiers, etc., are all Beta males. Beta males are true men, and shape our society.

The beta has poetry in him, and a touch of youthful idealism. He’s sure of who he is, and not constantly trying to prove his value in materialistic terms. (Fake-Alpha: Your expensive car doesn’t make you interesting, or even an Alpha.) The beta can earn a lot of money, or a little, but the money’s not the thing; he profits because he works well with others.


What he is:

  • The miracle-worker
  • Achieving impossible goals
  • The football team player.
  • The infantry man.
  • The orchestra musician.
  • The fireman.
  • The construction worker.
  • The 1st or 2nd officer.
  • The boxer.
  • Dependable.
  • Hard working
  • a wonderful father and husband


  • That quiet guy in the corner.
  • The attention hog
  • the player with most touch-downs
  • The brave soldier
  • the boxer
  • an off-brand Charles Ingalls
  • an off-brand Mr. Spock
  • Orchestra soloist
  • in the "freind zone"
  • the tribe's best fisherman or fire-maker
  • a vice president or manager

He is NEVER:

  • acting tough
  • Beating his wife
  • kicking his dog
  • competing with the Alpha
  • cheating on his girl
  • confrontational
  • a bully
  • a coward
  • a simp, a cuck, or yes-man

GAMMA males

Gamma Males...Most of what I see described as an Beta male is actually a Gamma, which is essentially a failed Beta (and occasionally a young confused Alpha) that festoons himself as his perception of an Alpha. You see these guys at parties acting like they are some sort of ladies man. Sometimes they take the form of a steroid addicted, muscled up idiot roid-raging in the gym. Sometimes you see them as internet tough guys, bragging about what Alpha males they are. Mostly they are maipulative, they just tend to be younger, and probably a but confused by society, or perhaps had no father figure to guide them.

He's dishonest. He even lies to himself. The gamma man isn’t happy with his personality at all. He often spins lies to help himself feel better. This is also so he can have a reason to avoid any improvement. He doesn’t agree with reality and says that the world is unfair. He plays the victim and avoids responsibility for his actions that led to failure, nothing is ever his fault.

The gamma men suffer from delusions of grandeur. It helps them deal with the bitter truth about their status being so low in the socio-sexual hierarchy.

They often have a false narrative (they lie to themselves) to feel more confident about themselves and deny reality. They believe they are secretly the true king and women fail to notice them.

They often perceive themselves as the “actual alphas” of their circle.

Occasionally, they slide the other way. Instead of a sloth, they become roid-raging muscletards; lying about military experience, lying about their 'leet martial arts skills, their outdoor skills, their heroic street battles, etc. They do this because they think that's what an Alpha male is, and people see RIGHT through it, especially Alpha and Beta women.

Overall, they attract less than their share of women, in fact they account for the vast majority of incels. The women the do manage to get are Gamma females who have mistaken them for an Alpha. The Alpha and Beta females tend to sniff them out pretty early, dump these "men", and move on.

Gammas don't like to work, and they are unable to lead, so they tend to fail, and offer very little to the rest of society. They generally survive by posing as an Alpha (occssionally a beta) and living off family, a girfriend, etc., or doing some sort of "easy money" work; such as telemarketing, fastfood, drug dealing, or scamming in some other way. They absolutely love gambling, and will waste their resources on this and other addictive behavior.

What he is:

  • Generally intelligent
  • with women, usually friend-zoned
  • ugly, usually due to hygiene and lack of self-care.
  • often overweight
  • prone to grand gestures
  • jealous of other men
  • underhanded
  • a repeat failure

What he SOMETIMES is:

  • musclebound
  • clingy
  • suicidal
  • in charge (sadly true)
  • an unrealisticromantic
  • severely limited in his skillset
  • abusive
  • a cuck, simp, or yes-man
  • arrogant
  • posing as an Alpha

A Gamma is not

  • happily married
  • working long term
  • a good father
  • confident
  • a risk taker
  • dependable
  • a hard worker
  • a leader
  • honest
  • a team player
  • happy with his life


The beta is used to doing things, so he's better at it. Where the Alpha is good at organizing and arranging Hiearchies, the Beta excels when he is most useful. The Gamma usually tries to avoid doing anything at all. When it comes to being an organizer, or getting things done, he will be missing in action, often showing up after the fact with some sort of story.



These are baselines and averages. No two men are the same here. I've asked a lot of women about various types of guys, and I seen a lot of things in Las Vegas, and while I have never been privvy to anyone's private monents,  I'm pretty sure I'm making better comment on this subject than, say, Dr. Ruth.

An Alpha male has all the confidence of a roaring lion, and a lot of women are REALLY into that, but he tends to simply ignore his woman's hints, requests, and instructions, and put himself first. The woman may love this, or she may not. Unfortunately, the Alpha is a great leader of men, but generally only an average lover. More often than not, the confidence of an Alpha male is his greatest problem in bed because he thinks he knows everything so he doesn’t even care to ask.

Betas do significantly better here. A beta male is careful and slow enough to ask what pleases her and what makes her happy. And that’s what makes these dudes so much better. A Beta male loves all the other stuff as well: watching movies, fucking around, and just spending time with his woman.

The Gamma, once he coerces or tricks a woman into bed, does none of this. He is a bumbling fool. When he is posing as an Alpha male, the Gamma male may throw a woman onto his bed, ravage her and have his way with her, and give her the best night of her life...or so he thinks. In reality he likely fumbled around like inspector Cluseau, hurt her accidentally, and then passed out drunk. He may be abusive. He may offer to be her slave, and have no idea why she gets dressed and leaves. He may fail to perform and then blame it on her. These awful things rarely happen to Alphas and Betas, but this sort of thing is normal for Gammas. They tend to be pervs, and have no idea how to act normally around women. I once had to throw a guy out of a party because he waw exposing himself to the women. He honestly had no clue what the big deal was. I found out later from his date that it was probably the first time he had ever been to a party. (She brought him, probably out of pity)

While an alpha male may have spent his  whole life being complimented for his charm, and charisma, he has also spent his life getting yelled at, slapped, and drinks thrown in his face too. Neither of these things hardly ever happen to a Beta. He's not a risk taker. A Beta male spends his life establishing a foundation of interesting hobbies, a family, and community respect. It might be music, cooking, writing, or something entirely unique. One way or another, a beta male always has something else up his sleeve, and that’s how he keeps things interesting after the first date.

The Gamma male has spent his entire life  persuing worthless ventures, video games, porn, TV, etc., no education, nothing constructive or beneficial to society.


Need someone to cover for you? Got something that needs to be picked up in the city, forgot something important at home, or just need an ear? Do you need a guy you can fucking count on for your team? Someone who shows up to work early? Someone who does the best job he can possibly do? The beta male will be there.

The Alpha male is pretty reliable too. He's mission oriented. He does not enjoy failure. But when he dies fail, he sucks it up, remembers his errors, and moves on to the next mission. The Beta, when he fails, tries to complete the job anyway. He will stay late and work, or meet goals even after a missed deadline. Nothing eats at a Beta like a job not done.


Alphas organize everything by task, and since personal relationships don't work that way. Alphas often fail. Alphas are terrified at the idea of being tied down. Alphas just want to succeed at whatever it is they are presently doing, so when they "commit" to something, they have an exit stategy once the mission is accomplished. Relationships just don't work like that

Betas do much better here, and their nice-guy can-do attitude make them great in commitments, either in a relationship or at work.

The Gammas are very interesting here. When a woman will have one, he will go into one of two some combination of two modes, your textbook simp, or your textbook bully. If he's got a lot of testosterone, he will be an abusive asshole. If he's got very little, he will let her call all the shots. He may swing back and forth, going from tough-guy to cry-baby. Either way his behavior will be depraved, sickening, and the woman will not be able to get rid of him. He will be clingy and/or stalkerish. He will play mental games. Gammas are very toxic.


Alphas and Betas earn respect at about the same rate, but Alphas have an edge here because Alphas score automatic respect from people instictively. So while they both earn respect at the same rate, Alphas start out already ahead. Its just the way it is.

The Gammas will start out ahead if he's masquerading as a Alpha as they often do. From there the gamma just starts going backwards, losing respect as people get to know him and learn what he really is. His lies and scams and ripped-off friends and outraged ex-gfs, and dissapointed family, and angry employers will lead him to constantly seek new social circles, even if he happens to be wealthy with a lot of flash.

The drill sergeant (almost always an Alpha) respects his men who are competent at their jobs and complete their tasks well. He respects his commanders for the same reasons. However, a Beta handles emotions better, and in the military you see them as councelors, chaplains, and 1st and 2nd officers. They are just as brave as an Alpha, and will march into hell when given an order. "We've got a job to do" is as good as a battle-cry for a Beta.

Gammas do not join the armed forces. They know there is no wiggle-room for them. Those that do join, generally do not graduate basic training. I've known 4 Gammas who joined up. All four recieved various discharges during basic. One tried all four branches and joined 3. He didn't even get past the recruiter at the Marines. Recruiters will accept any able-bodied man. To this day I don't know how he managed to fuck that one up.


Bad service

While an alpha male may silently think of an incompetent or novice waiter as a nuisance, and a gamma may be downright abusive, a beta male is more likely to understand that they’re a person just like him. He wouldn’t do anything to to them that he wouldn’t want done to himself. It’s one of his little golden rules.

Betas are Excellent Fathers

He is a excellent role model for young boys. He lives with integrity and nobility and expects his children to live up to the same values. He doesn't order kids around like an Alpha, and he isn't constantly scheming and scamming like a Gamma.

Gamma Males

Yeah, here we go. If you are reading this, you've probably already figured out who these guys are from where I touched on them in the previous sections. These are the guys that all the fucking idiot repeaters on the internet keep referring to as a "Beta". Fortunately these guys are fairly rare, about 1 guy in 15. These are the ones who don't lead or follow, or at least get out of the way. They offer very little to society, and when they are successful, it is generally by scamming their way. They steal valor, lie and simp their way between a woman's legs, pose as actual Alphas and Betas, and generally leave behind pain and suffering wherever they go.

They come in several forms


Incels (a portmanteau of involuntary celibates) are members of an onlinesubculture who define themselves as unable to find a romantic or sexual partner despite desiring one, a state they describe as inceldom. Self-identified incels are largely white and are almost exclusively male heterosexuals.

Discussions in incel forums are often characterized by resentment, misanthropy, self-pity, self-loathing, misogyny, a sense of entitlement to sex, and the endorsement of violence against sexually active people. No shit.

Muscle-bound freaks

Ever watch pro-wresting? You know its fake right? Well, the wrestler personalities portrayed in sports entertainment are what a Gamma male thinks an Alpha male is. So he acts like that. He tells everyone what an Alpha he is. He makes up stories about his heroic deeds in whatever war is handy. He thinks women are attracted to guys that roid-rage at the gym, then gets upset when it doesn't work. The most successful of these jerks become actual pro wresters, or ugh, police officers.


These guys give everything up for a remote chance at a little sex. Alpha and Beta females are absolutely repulsed by these pathetic wimps, so when they get a woman at all, its invariably a gamma female. Its not long before she has him signing over his paychecks. He'll wear diapers, eat cardboard, let her humiliate him in public, whatever she wants.

Yes men

These guys are the most successful of the Gammas. They are just like the simps above, just at work. They typically attach themselves to another person and move up some corporate ladder that way. Sometimes, long chains of gammas are formed as gammas attach themselves to ever more powerful gammas ending in a vice president of some large company who is in that position because hes sleeping with someone or is somebody's nephew. This is corporate toxicity at its worse as they simultaneously mistreat everyone below them, promoting non-threatening yes men, who validate them, ahead of good people, while simultaneously turbo-browning their own boss.

Fat pigs

Some Gammas go the exact opposite direction of the muscle bound freak. Instead of destroying their body with steroids and drugs. They destroy it by letting it go. Being fat and unhygenic IS disgusting. There is nothing at all ‘liberating’ or ‘wonderful’ about being 372 pounds. These "men" are  disgusting, unhealthy (both physically and mentally), and it shows the kind of disrespect they have for their bodies. A man's outward appearance is a direct advertisement to who he is as a person. When you see one of these fat fucks, especially if they have no job, you are almost certainly look8ng at a Gamma Male.


Homosexuality is depraved, unnatural and perverted, disgusting. Think of the act! Theres feces. Twisted sick perversion. This is where the Gamma Male thrives. A lot of them are effeminate for a very good reason.


Gammas are a core source of pedophilia among the other faggots. Remember Gammas are prone to abusing anyone they manage to have power over. There are at least three documented links between homosexuality and pedophilia:

  1. the percentage of male homosexuals among convicted child molesters is 6-20 times higher than the percentage of male homosexuals in the general population, indicating a direct correlation between homosexuality and pedophilia;
  2. the development of both homosexuality and pedophilia is strongly influenced by some factor related to birth order, indicating that homosexuality and pedophilia have a common etiology (i.e., causation); and
  3. homosexual pedophilia is an integral, ongoing and valued component of the homosexual movement, indicating a "cultural" link between homosexuality and pedophilia.

Even other faggots hate these Gammas.

Alphas and Betas can be homosexuals too, but it is extremely rare, and they don't act the same. There are many types of mental illnesses that can lead to homosexuality, including childhood abuse from an older Gamma Male.


Well, we know what a coward is. Occasionally a beta, or even more rarely, an alpha, will have this unfortunate trait, but 19 cowards out of 20 will be a Gamma Male.


If the Gamma is anything close to handsome, he usually manifests as a slick talking con-man. They may be really smart if they don't happen to be good looking. These are the second most successful of the gammas. These leeches go from victim to victim their entire lives until they hit the jackpot (marry into a rich family or something like that), or until somebody kills them.


Yes there there are male Karens. On the East Coast, they say "Brad", and on the west coast they say "Brice", but nomatter where you are, the name is interchangable with "asshole".

Key TakeAway

Stop slamming the Betas! Nothing makes you look more like a Gamma than that. Betas are cool! Most guys are Betas. Your average guy is a Beta. If you mean Gamma, say Gamma, so you don't appear like an ignorant douchebag.
